This is a must-try for anyone who wants to explore alternate-reality games (probably one of the more highly complex forms of game play to create!). This game starts TODAY, October 7th, and it’s an experiment funded by the Robert Wood Foundation. The goal of the game is to see if the community can pool together ideas to begin to identify cures for neurological diseases – a group of diseases that cost our country billions – and devastate the lives of millions.

The game starts with a scenario in 2020 – a video clip

that shows a message from the president of the United States – announcing that he, along with millions of other Americans, have an incurable disease. Once you watch the introductory scenario, you can register to play the game. You’ll receive an email with your first set of instructions.


Let me know if you play – and what you think about how this type of approach could work inside organizations trying to teach employees analytic/problem-solving skills as well as skills in collaborating virtually.