What’s Your Plan for Product Launch Training?

Let’s face it. Product launches are exciting, but they are also stressful. At the end of a long and expensive product development process, the idea of your new product not performing well on the market can be daunting. No matter how effective or innovative your new product is, it still won’t sell if your sales staff can’t properly communicate its value to your target market. This is…

From Three Phases to Four: The Toolkit Approach to Product Launch Training

For a long time, product launch training has been conducted with an event-based model. Reps show up for a launch meeting, listen as someone lectures through slide decks, spend a few days at a nice hotel, and head back to their territories. In many cases, these launch events are not training-focused at all. They are planned and run by marketing folks who need reps to effectively position the new…

Why Product Managers Should Include Training in Their Launch Plan

Everyone like surprises – at least good surprises like surprise birthday parties, surprise company lunches at work, finding a surprise twenty dollars in your jeans, etc. Then there are bad surprises… like when you take that first sip of coffee and it’s way too hot or when your computer crashes at work and you lose everything. And then there’s the really bad surprise when you’re a…

10 Steps to Successful Product Launch Training

We often support clients with complex products to bring to market. The product launch training can be even more complex. With so many different customer types and messages, it can be a lot to cover. So if you want your training to drive results, it must be carefully designed and implemented. Doing one without the other is a sure way to fail. Careful consideration must be made to identify the…